De Klerk Caravans -- Located in Hillegom, the Netherlands. Sells used Tabbert caravans. Contents in English and Dutch. |
Donaghey Motorhomes -- Based in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland. Sells 2 to 6 birth Swift, Talbot, Ford, and Volkswagon motorhomes. Includes photos, prices, and contact information. |
Lambrecht Motorhomes -- Located in Maldegem, Belgium. Sells new and used campers. Also offers rentals. Content in French, English, and Dutch. |
Moby Campers -- Located in Feldbrunnen, Switzerland. Buys, sells, and rents used RVs. Offers long term rental option. Content in English, French, and German. |
Vanomobil of Belgium -- Contains pictures, features, and specifications for five types of recreational vehicles as well as and prices for renting campers, sale of caravans, repairs and accessories. |